Weather Report for 2019 by Month
January 2019 was average temperature at 3.8°C, drier than average (23.20 mm versus an average total of 44.42) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2667 miles versus an average of 3646).
If it wasn't for a record breaking cold spell in the final days of the month, January 2019 would have seen above average temperatures. A minimum temperature of -6.7°C recorded at 08:20 on the 31st was the lowest temperature since -7.2°C was recorded on February 11th 2012, and the lowest temperature ever recorded in January. The daytime maximum temperature of 0.4°C on the 31st was the lowest daytime maximum temperature since March 18th 2018 when the maximum was only -0.7°C. The maximum temperature in the month was 11.1°C recorded at 14:00 on the 7th. The average daily high temperature was 6.4°C, with the average daily low temperature being 1.2°C. The warmest day was the 13th with an average temperature of 8.7°C. The coldest day was the 31st with an average temperature of -2.5°C.
The high wind chill in the month was 10.6°C at 13:42 on the 6th, with the low wind chill being -6.7°C at 08:20 on the 31st. The monthly average wind chill was 2.7°C. The high dew point was 9.2°C at 10:59 on the 25th, with the low dew point being -7.7°C at 08:23 on the 31st. The monthly average dew point was 1.8°C. There was 22.17 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 28th with 4.47 hours.
Rainfall in the month was 23.2 millimetres, recorded on 16 days. Only 2017 with 20.6 millimetres was a drier January. The monthly total was 17.8 millimetres below the month average. The wettest day was the 19th with 4.6 millimetres and the highest rain rate was 6.2 millimetres per hour recorded at 10:38 on the 16th. Measurable snow was recorded on three days and totalled 4 millimetres.The two millimetres on the 17th was the first snowfall since April 2nd 2018.
The highest barometric pressure of 1044.0 millibars at 10:50 on the 2nd was the highest ever recorded in January, and only 0.6 millibars below the highest ever, recorded on February 7th 2012. The lowest barometric pressure was 981.8 millibars at 00:14 on the 27th. The average pressure in the month was 1016.1 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 87%, a low for January. The lowest humidity was 60% at 15:47 on the 28th.
Winds were very light in January with the highest wind gust speed being 38 mph recorded at 05:21 on the 13th, slightly below the month average of 38.7 mph.The maximum wind speed was 18 mph at 05:24 on the 13th, 5.8 mph below the mean. The wind run was 2667.0 miles, well below the January average of 3646.2 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 5.3 mph, 2.1 mph below the mean. The average wind speed was 3.6 mph, 1.4 mph below the mean. The predominant direction was south westerly (232°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:14 on the 27th was 445 w/m², the highest since 496 w/m² was recorded on November 13th 2018. The average solar radiation for the month was 29 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 0.5 recorded at 13:00 on the 31st, the first time since November 19th 2018 that an Index was recorded.
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February was warmer than average (6.7°C versus an average of 4.0°C), drier than average (28.00 mm versus an average total of 35.71) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2751 miles versus an average of 3108).
An exceptional spell of warm weather in the second half of the month ensured that February 2019 was a record-breaker. The maximum temperature was 18.3°C at 14:44 on the 28th, beating the previous February high of 15.6°C set on February 23rd 2012. This was also the highest Winter temperature recorded here and also the February average of 6.7°C was the highest February average ever, beating the 6.0°C set in 2011. The mean temperature for February is only 4.3°C. The average daily high temperature was also a record at 10.8°C, previous best 8.3°C. The average low temperature was 3.0°C. The lowest temperature in the month was -4.4°C at 07:29 on the 3rd. The warmest day was the 21st with an average temperature of 10.8°C, while the coldest day was the 1st, with an average temperature of 0.3°C.
The monthly average wind chill was 5.6°C. The high dew point was 11.2°C at 12:36 on the 24th, and the low dew point was -6.0°C at 06:18 on the 3rd. There were 81.52 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 26th with 7.05 hours.
Rainfall in the month was 28.0 millimetres on a total of 15 days. The wettest day was the 4th with 7.4 millimetres recorded and the highest rain rate was 6.8 millimetres per hour at 03:42 on the 4th. 51.2 millimetres of rain has been recorded in 2019 so far, 67% of what would normally be expected by the end of February. Measurable snow was recorded on the 1st of the month only and totalled 1.0 millimetre.
The highest barometric pressure of 1036.1 millibars was at 10:11 on the 25th, with the lowest being 985.4 millibars at 18:50 on the 8th. The average pressure in the month was 1016.9 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 85%. The lowest humidity was 38% at 14:17 on the 26th, a February low.
Winds were very light again with the highest wind gust speed being 40 mph recorded at 07:28 on the 9th, slightly below the month average of 38.8 mph and the highest since 42 mph was recorded on October 12th 2018.The maximum wind speed was 24 mph at 05:24 on the 13th, 0.3 mph below the mean. The wind run was 2750.9 miles, well below the February average of 3447.6 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 6.2 mph, 1.7 mph below the mean. The average wind speed was 4.1 mph, 1.0 mph below the mean. The predominant direction was south south westerly (197°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 11:35 on the 21st was 689 w/m², the highest since 772 w/m² was recorded on October 1st 2018. The average solar radiation for the month was 70 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 1.4 recorded at 12:00 on the 26th.
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March 2019 was warmer than average (7.4°C versus an average of 5.8°C), wetter than average (77.60 mm versus an average total of 40.56) and windier than average (a wind run of 4495 miles versus an average of 3112). March was a month of two distinct halves, the first 18 days being cold, damp and windy, with the final 13 days being milder and dry.
The highest temperature in the month was 29th at 15:43 when 16.2°C was recorded. The lowest temperature was 0.6°C recorded at 07:00 on the 10th. This is the highest March minimum ever recorded here. The average temperature in the month was 7.4°C, 1.4°C above the mean. The average daily high temperature was 10.9°C, mean 9.9°C, and the average daily low temperature was 3.9°C, mean 2.6°C. The warmest day was the 20th with an average temperature of 11.0°C, while the coldest day was the 10th with an average temperature of 3.1°C.
The monthly average wind chill was 5.8°C. The high dew point was 11.8°C at 13:12 on the 20th, with the low dew point being -1.1°C at 16:15 on the 10th. The monthly average dew point was 4.4°C. There were 120.3 hours of sunshine in the month, the sunniest day being the 29th when 8.88 hours was recorded.
Rainfall in the month totalled 77.6 millimetres, well above the average of 43.7 milliemtres. The year to date total of 128.8 millimetres is 106% of the expected March end total. The wettest day was the 6th with 17.6 millimetres, the wettest day since September 20th 2018 when 19.4 millimetres was recorded.. All the month's rainfall fell on the first 18 days. The highest rain rate occured at 18:33 on the 6th when a rate of 50 millimetres per hour was recorded. Measurable snow was recorded on the 10th of the month only and totalled 15.0 millimetres.
The highest barometric pressure of 1036.1 millibars was at 07:14 on the 28th, with the lowest being 979.4 millibars at 22:05 on the 3rd. The average pressure in the month was 1012.9 millibars. The highest humidity was 98% at 07:38 on the 21st, and the monthly average humidity was 82%. The lowest humidity was 49% at 16:00 on the 25th.
Winds were stronger than average in the month, with the highest wind gust speed being 44 mph recorded at 21:54 on the 3rd, well above the month average of 35.7 mph. This was the highest gust since 50 mph was recorded on February 23rd 2017. The maximum wind speed was 24 mph at 11:18 on the 15th, 2.2 mph above the mean. The wind run was 4495.3 miles, well above the March average of 3532.9 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 8.7 mph, 1.3 mph above the mean. The average wind speed was 6.2 mph, 1.5 mph above the mean. The predominant direction was south westerly (220°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:00 on the 24th was 907 w/m², the highest since 914 w/m² was recorded on September 21st 2018. The average solar radiation for the month was 106 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 2.8 recorded at 11:45 on the 19th, the highest since 2.9 was recorded on September 27th 2018.
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April 2019 was warmer than average (8.6°C versus an average of 8.5°C), drier than average (17.60 mm versus an average total of 38.96) and windier than average (a wind run of 3094 miles versus an average of 2786). The month was very average with no records broken.
The highest temperature in the month was at 17:04 on the 20th when the thermometer hit 22.2°C, the highest temperature of 2019 so far. The lowest temperature was -0.3°C at 06:15 on the 13th, the only time the temperature dropped below freezing in the month. The average temperature in the month was 8.6°C, 0.1°C above the April mean. The average daily high temperature was 10.9°C, 1.0°C above the mean, and the average daily low temperature was 3.9°C, 1.3°C above the mean.The warmest day was the 22nd with an average temperature of 15.8°C, while the coldest day was the 3rd with an average temperature of 3.8°C.
The monthly average wind chill was 7.7°C. The high dew point was 13.8°C at 15:11 on the 24th, with the low dew point being -2.8°C at 05:00 on the 14th. The monthly average dew point was 4.6°C. There were 206.1 hours of sunshine in the month, the sunniest day being the 21st when 10.7 hours was recorded.
Rainfall in the month totalled 17.6 millimetres, well below the average of 37.0 milliemtres. The year to date total of 147.0 millimetres is 93.6% of the expected April end total. The wettest day was the 25th with 5.2 millimetres..The highest rain rate occured at 14:03 on the 25th when a rate of 51.2 millimetres per hour was recorded. There was no snow recorded.
The highest barometric pressure of 1031.6 millibars was at 01:04 on the 20th, with the lowest being 989.1 millibars at 16:19 on the 24th. The average pressure in the month was 1013.7 millibars. The highest humidity was 98% at 03:50 on the 30th, and the monthly average humidity was 77%. The lowest humidity was 32% at 13:54 on the 20th.
Winds were slightly higher than average in the month, with the highest wind gust speed being 30 mph recorded at 13:11 on the 27th, 1.1 mph below the month average. The maximum wind speed was 16 mph at 12:12 on the 15th, 3.2 mph below the mean. The wind run was 3093.5 miles, well above the April average of 3075.6 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 6.5 mph, 0.3 mph below the mean. The average wind speed was 4.4 mph, 0.1 mph above the mean. The predominant direction was east south easterly (105°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:56 on the 28th was 1153 w/m², the highest since 1165 w/m² was recorded on July 9th 2018. The average solar radiation for the month was 166 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 4.3 recorded at 12:55 on the 28th, the highest since 4.6 was recorded on August 22nd 2018.
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May 2019 was cooler than average (11.0°C versus an average of 11.5), drier than average (23.40 mm versus an average total of 44.13) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2132 miles versus an average of 2724).
The highest temperature in the month was 21.3°C recorded at 16:30 on the 30th, 1.9°C below the mean for the month. The minimum temperature was 0.4°C recorded at 05:01 on the 5th, equalling the lowest May temperature set on May 5th 2012. The average temperature in the month was 11.0°C, 0.5°C below the mean. The average daily high temperature was 15.6°C, 0.2°C below the mean, and the average daily low temperature was 6.5°C, 0.7°C below the mean. The warmest day was the 30th with an average temperature of 16.7°C, while the coldest day was the 4th with an average temperature of 6.1°C.
The monthly average wind chill was 10.8°C. The high dew point was 16.6°C at 13:57 on the 20th, with the low dew point being -1.0°C at 05:01 on the 5th. The monthly average dew point was 7.1°C. There were 222.9 hours of sunshine in the month, the sunniest day being the 14th when 11.6 hours was recorded.
Rainfall in the month totalled 23.4 millimetres, well below the average of 41.8 milliemtres. This was the lowest rainfall ever recorded here in May, beating the previous low of 25.6 millimetres set in 2010. The year to date total of 170.4 millimetres is 84.9% of the expected May end total. The wettest day was the 8th with 8.8 millimetres..The highest rain rate occured at 16:01 on the 11th when a rate of 24.0 millimetres per hour was recorded. There was no snow recorded.
The highest barometric pressure of 1039.6 millibars was at 10:17 on the 13th, a record for May, beating the previous high of 1037.8 millibars set on May 12th 2012. The lowest pressure was 988.1 millibars at 15:39 on the 8th. The average pressure in the month was 1015.9 millibars. The highest humidity was 98% at 06:39 on the 29th, and the monthly average humidity was 78%. The lowest humidity was 35% at 17:31 on the 23rd.
Winds were much lower than average in the month, with the highest wind gust speed being 26 mph recorded at 16:11 on the 30th, 3.6 mph below the month average. The maximum wind speed was 15 mph at 16:15 on the 30th, 2.5 mph below the mean. The wind run was 2131.7 miles, well below the May average of 2950.9 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 4.5 mph, 2.3 mph below the mean. The average wind speed was 2.9 mph, 2.2 mph below the mean. The predominant direction was southerly (183°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:19 on the 28th was 1225 w/m², the highest since 1294 w/m² was recorded on June 20th 2018. The average solar radiation for the month was 192 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 6.0 recorded at 11:40 on the 30th, the highest since 6.1 was recorded on August 6th 2018.
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June 2019 was cooler than average (13.7°C versus an average of 14.4), wetter than average (104.20 mm versus an average total of 52.56) and less windy than average (a wind run of 2240 miles versus an average of 2408).
The highest temperature in the month was 29.4°C, the highest temperature of 2019 so far, and the highest temperature since 31.0°C was recorded on July 26th 2018. This was the second highest June temperature recorded here, beaten only by the 29.5°C recorded on June 19th 2017. The minimum temperature was 7.0°C recorded at 05:03 on the 16th. The average temperature in the month was 13.7°C, 0.6°C below the June mean. The average daily high was 18.0°C, 0.7°C below the mean, with the average daily low being 9.8°C, 0.3°C below the mean. The warmest day was the 30th with an average temperature of 20.9, with the coolest day being the 11th with an average temperature of 9.4°C.
The average wind chill in the month was 13.6°C . The high dew point was 21.2°C at 16:48 on the 29th, with the low dew point being 4.7°C at 05:38 on the 7th. The average monthly dew point was 10.8°C. There were 185.0 hours of sunshine, with the sunniest day being the 22nd with 11.41 hours. The maximum heat index was 31.9°C at 17:58 on the 29th, a record high for June.
Rainfall in June was well above average with 104.2 millimetres falling on 18 days. This was well above the average of 57.4 millimetres. This was the wettest month since June 2012 when 127.8 millimetres was recorded, and the third wettest month ever recorded here. The year to date total is 275.2 millimetres, 106.7% of the average for the end of June. The wettest day was the 11th when 22.8 millimetres of rain fell, making it the wettest day since August 8th 2017 when 26.4 millimetres was recorded. The highest rain rate was 63.2 millimetres per hour at 00:00 on the 24th. There was no snow recorded.
The highest barometric pressure of 1031.7 millibars was at 09:41 on the 27th. The lowest pressure was 998.2 millibars at 19:38 on the 7th. The average pressure in the month was 1012.9 millibars. The highest humidity was 99% at 06:38 on the 12th, and the monthly average humidity was 83%. The lowest humidity was 48% at 17:16 on the 6th, a record low for June.
Winds were lower than average in the month, with the highest wind gust speed being 26 mph recorded at 18:22 on the 30th, 2.5 mph below the month average. The maximum wind speed was 14 mph at 18:55 on the 2nd, 2.6 mph below the mean. The wind run was 2239.7 miles, well below the June average of 2408.2 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 5.1 mph, 0.5 mph below the mean. The average wind speed was 3.2 mph, 0.1 mph below the mean. The predominant direction was south south-easterly (159°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 13:33 on the 20th was 1176 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 163 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 6.6 recorded at 11:58 on the 27th, the highest since 7.0 was recorded on August 3rd 2018
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July 2019 was warmer than average (17.3°C versus an average of 16.4), wetter than average (82.80 mm versus an average total of 44.78) and calmer than average (a wind run of 1944 miles versus an average of 2044).
The record temperature for this location was smashed in July 2019 when the thermometer reached 34.1°C at 18:37 on the 25th. This easily beat the previous record of 32.7°C set on July 1st 2015. This is only the fifth time that a temperature in excess of 30°C has been recorded here. The minimum temperature was 7.9°C recorded at 05:00 on the 2nd. The average temperature in the month was 17.3°C, 0.8°C above the July mean. The average daily high was 21.8°C, 0.5°C above the mean, with the average daily low being 12.9°C, 0.9°C above the mean. The warmest day was the 25th with an average of 26.4°C, with the coolest day being the 2nd with an average of 13.6°C.
The average wind chill in the month was 17.3°C and the average dew point was 13.5°C. The high dew point was 22.3°C recorded at 18:29 on the 25th, with the low dew point being 6.3°C at 05:11 on the 3rd. There were 218.2 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 3rd when 11.58 hours was recorded. The maximum heat index was a record 38.5°C recorded at 19:29 on the 25th. this beat the previous high of 35.3°C set in 2015.
Rainfall in July was 82.8 millimetres, well above the July average of 46.6 millimetres, recorded on 15 days. The wettest day was the 30th when 25.0 millimetres of rain was recorded, making it the wettest day since 26.4 millimetres fell on August 8th 2017. The year to date total is now 358.2 millimetres, 117% of the average for the end of July. The highest rain rate was 123.8 millimetres per hour at 21:11 on the 30th.
The highest barometric pressure of 1027.3 millibars was at 11:27 on the 3rd. The lowest pressure was 999.3 millibars at 19:47 on the 30th. The average pressure in the month was 1014.2 millibars. The highest humidity was 96% at 16:21 on the 19th, and the monthly average humidity was 80%. The lowest humidity was 43% at 15:23 on the 25th.
Winds were lower than average in the month, with the highest wind gust speed being 24 mph recorded at 14:51 on the 1st, 1.8 mph below the month average. The maximum wind speed was 11 mph at 12:21 on the 30th, 4.1 mph below the mean. The wind run was 1943.9 miles, well below the July average of 2319.1 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 4.2 mph, 1.2 mph below the mean. The average wind speed was 2.7 mph, 0.5 mph below the mean. The predominant direction was south south-westerly (210°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:58 on the 7th was 1183 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 177 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 6.8 recorded at 12:42 on the 2nd, the highest since 7.0 was recorded on August 3rd 2018.
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August 2019 was warmer than average (16.7°C versus an average of 15.5), wetter than average (63.00 mm versus an average total of 49.91) and windier than average (a wind run of 2660 miles versus an average of 2272).
The highest temperature in the month was 30.0°C recorded at 17:54 on the 25th, the second highest temperature of 2019, beaten only by the 34.1°C recorded on July 25th. This is only the sixth time that a temperature of 30.0°C has been recorded here. The minimum temperature was 8.1°C, recorded at 06:04 on the 12th. The average temperature in the month was 16.7°C, 1.1°C above the August mean and a high for August. The average daily high temperature was 21.3°C, 0.8°C above the mean, with the average daily low being 12.4°C, 0.8°C above the mean, both August highs. The warmest day was the 25th with an average temperature of 22.3°C, with the coolest day being the 12th with an average temperature of 12.3°C.
The average wind chill in the month was 16.6°C, and the average dew point was 13.2°C. The high dew point was 19.9°C recorded at 12.29 on the 27th. The low dew point was 7.0°C at 16:04 on the 12th. There were 207.2 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 24th with 10.3 hours. The maximum heat index was 30.4°C recorded at 18:08 on the 25th.
Rainfall in the month was 63.0 millimetres, 11.9 millimetres above the August average. Rainfall was recorded on 12 days, with the wettest day being the 9th when 17.2 millimetres of rain fell. The year to date total is 423 millimetres, 118% above the average for the end of August. The highest rain rate was 67.8 millimetres per hour, recorded at 22:28 on the 27th.
The highest barometric pressure of 1024.8 millibars was at 10:31 on the 21st. The lowest pressure was 991.2 millibars at 03:06 on the 10th. The average pressure in the month was 1011.3 millibars. The highest humidity was 96% at 09:00 on the 29th, and the monthly average humidity was 81%. The lowest humidity was 40% at 15:00 on the 25th.
Winds were as expected in the month, with the highest wind gust speed being 29 mph recorded at 10:12 on the 10th, 0.6 mph above the month average. The maximum wind speed was 16 mph at 16:16 on the 10th, 0.8 mph below the mean. The wind run was 2660.2 miles, well above the August average of 2490.1 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 6.0 mph, 0.5 mph above the mean. The average wind speed was 4.0 mph, 0.6 mph above the mean. The predominant direction was south south-westerly (208°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:45 on the 9th was 1090 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 175 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 4.9 recorded at 12:44 on the 9th, well below the August average of 6.0.
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September 2019 was equal to the average temperature at 13.4°C, wetter than average (104.20 mm versus an average total of 37.09) and windier than average (a wind run of 2388 miles versus an average of 2199).
The highest temperature in the month was 22.6°C recorded at 16:03 on the 21st. The lowest temperature was 4.6°C recorded at 07:01 on the 8th and the monthly average was 13.4°C The average daily high temperature was 18.0°C, 0.3°C above the mean. The average daily low temperature was 9.6°C, the same as the mean. The warmest days were the 3rd and the 21st with temperatures of 15.8°C. The coolest day was the 8th with an average of 10.8°C.
The average wind chill in the month was 13.2°C and the average dew point was 10.5°C. The high dew point was 17.2°C recorded at 15:33 on the 12th. The low dew point was 3.4°C recorded at 07:01 on the 8th. There were 154.2 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 5th when 8.9 hours were recorded.
Rainfall in the month was 104.2 millimetres, easily the wettest ever September. The mean for the month is now 40.0 millimetres. Rainfall was recorded on 18 days, with the wettest day being the 24th when 31.8 millimetres was recorded. This was the highest since 32.4 millimetres was recorded on July 23rd 2013. This was the fifth wettest day ever recorded here. The highest rain rate was 75.8 millimetres per hour recorded at 11:31 on the 24th. The year to date total is now 524 millimetres, 130% of the average for the end of September.
The highest barometric pressure of 1035.9 millibars was at 23:24 on the 13th. The lowest pressure was 989.6 millibars at 12:39 on the 29th. The average pressure in the month was 1015.1 millibars. The highest humidity was 98% at 14:22 on the 24th, and the monthly average humidity was 84%. The lowest humidity was 43% at 17:00 on the 21st.
Wind speeds were slightly higher than average, with the highest wind gust speed being 28 mph recorded at 14:40 on the 27th, 2.0 mph below the month average. The maximum wind speed was 15 mph at 14:46 on the 27th, 2.4 mph below the mean. The wind run was 2388.2 miles, below the September mean of 2402.5 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 5.0 mph, 0.5 mph below the mean. The average wind speed was 3.3 mph, 0.2 mph below the mean. The predominant direction was south-westerly (223°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:46 on the 1st was 1014 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 126 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 4.6 recorded at 13:22 on the 3rd, slightly below the September average of 4.7.
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October 2019 was cooler than average (9.1°C versus an average of 10.7°C), wetter than average (92.60 mm versus an average total of 47.62) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2435 miles versus an average of 2691).
The highest temperature in the month was 15.2°C recorded at 13:51 on the 6th. The was the lowest October maximum ever recorded here. The lowest temperature was 0.8°C recorded at 06:04 on the 28th. The monthly average temperature was 9.1°C, only 2012's 8.7°C was lower. The average daily high temperature was 12.5°C, 1.4°C below the mean, with the average low temperature being 6.1°C, also 1.4°C below the mean. The warmest day was the 11th with an average temperature of 12.7°C. The coolest day was the 28th with an average temperature of 4.6°C. The first ground frost of the season was recorded when the temperature fell to 2.4°C at 07:08. This was the lowest temperature since 0.4°C was recorded on May 5th.
The average wind chill in the month was 8.6°C and the average dew point was 7.4°C. The high dew point was 13.2°C recorded at 18:13 on the 25th. The low dew point was -0.2°C recorded at 05:42 on the 28th. There were 67.7 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 3rd when 7.7 hours were recorded.
Rainfall in the month was 92.6 millimetres, beaten only by the 98.8 millimetres recorded in 2012. The mean for the month is now 51.0 millimetres. Rainfall was recorded on 26 days, with the wettest day being the 26th when 16.2 millimetres was recorded. This equalled the most rain days in October set in 2009. The highest rain rate was 41.6 millimetres per hour recorded at 15:14 on the 4th. The year to date total is now 616 millimetres, 135% of the average for the end of October.
The highest barometric pressure of 1028.0 millibars was at 21:42 on the 29th. The lowest pressure was 993.6 millibars at 23:20 on the 18th. The average pressure in the month was 1009.1 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 89%. The lowest humidity was 53% at 16:20 on the 2nd.
Wind speeds were lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed being 30 mph recorded at 19:27 on the 25th, 3.4 mph below the month average. The maximum wind speed was 15 mph at 02:00 on the 6th, 4.3 mph below the mean. The wind run was 2434.7 miles, below the October mean of 2899.7 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 5.0 mph, 1.3 mph below the mean. The average wind speed was 3.0 mph, 0.9 mph below the mean. The predominant direction was southerly (186°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:48 on the 22nd was 705 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 65 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 2.1 recorded at 12:26 on the 8th, slightly below the October average of 2.5.
Weather Underground History | Weather Underground Graph | Monthly report (pdf)
November 2019 was cooler than average (5.9°C versus an average of 6.9), wetter than average (142.20 mm versus an average total of 58.30) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2349 miles versus an average of 2797).
The highest temperature in the month was 13.3°C recorded at 23:01 on the 1st. This equalled the lowest November maximum temperature set in 2012. The lowest temperature was -1.8°C recorded at 05:22 on the 19th, the lowest temperature of the Autumn season. At 06:21 on the 9th, the temperature fell to -0.7°C, the lowest temperature since -4.4°C was recorded on February 3rd. This was the first sub-zero temperature of the autumn season and is earlier than the average first freeze date which is November 16th. The monthly average temperatue was 5.9°C, 0.9°C below the November mean. The average daily high temperature was 8.0°C, 1.4°C below the mean, with the average low temperature being 3.5°C, 0.6°C below the mean. The warmest day was the 1st with an average temperature of 10.7°C, with the coldest day being the 30th with an average temperature of 0.6°C.
The average wind chill in the month was 4.9°C and the average dew point was 4.7°C. The high dew point was 12.5°C recorded at 14:40 on the 1st. The low dew point was -2.8°C recorded at 05:22 on the 19th. There were 13.7 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 10th when 4.2 hours were recorded.
Rainfall in the month was 142.2 millimetres. This was the second wettest month recorded here, beaten only by April 2012 when 151.8 millimetres was recorded. The mean for the month is now 65.8 millimetres. Rainfall was recorded on 25 days, with the wettest day being the 7th when 29.0 millimetres was recorded. The highest rain rate was 19.0 millimetres per hour recorded at 15:07 on the 11th. The year to date total is now 762.6 millimetres, 146% of the average for the end of November.
The highest barometric pressure of 1023.5 millibars was at 23:56 on the 30th. The lowest pressure was 968.9 millibars at 12:12 on the 2nd, the lowest since 971.4 millibars was recorded on March 28th 2016. The average pressure in the month was 1000.0 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 92%. The lowest humidity was 72% at 14:39 on the 18th.
Wind speeds were lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed being 23 mph recorded at 12:16 on the 14th, 13.6 mph below the month average, and a November low. The maximum wind speed was 13 mph at 20:36 on the 20th, 8.7 mph below the mean. The wind run was 2349.3 miles, well below the November mean of 2811.0 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 5.0 mph, 1.6 mph below the mean. The average wind speed was 3.0 mph, 1'1 mph below the mean. The predominant direction was south-south-easterly (148°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 11:36 on the 8th was 466 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 26 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 0.7 recorded at 12:02 on the 3rd, slightly below the November average of 0.8.
Weather Underground History | Weather Underground Graph | Monthly report (pdf)
December 2019 was warmer than average (5.25°C versus an average of 4.80), wetter than average (59.00 mm versus an average total of 50.82) and windier than average (a wind run of 3608 miles versus an average of 3328).
The highest temperature in the month was 11.8°C recorded at 13:33 on the 6th, 0.4°C below the December mean.. The lowest temperature was -1.9°C recorded at 02:35 on the 2nd, 1.3°C below the mean and the lowest temperature of the Winter season so far. The monthly average temperature was 5.2°C, 0.4°C above the December average. The average daily high temperature was 7.8°C, 0.5°C below the mean, with the average daily low temperature being 3.0°C, 0.6°C above the mean. The warmest day was the 19th with an average temperature of 10.0°C, while the coolest day was the 1st with an average temperature of 1.0°C.
The average wind chill in the month was 3.8°C and the average dew point was 3.9°C. The high dew point was 10.6°C at 18:15 on the 10th. There were 4.4 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 9th with 1.85 hours of sun recorded. A total of 1503.4 hours of sunshine were recorded in 2019, making it the sunniest year so far recorded here.
Rainfall in the month was 59.0 millimetres recorded on 23 days. This took the 2019 total to 817.8 millimetres, 9.0 millimetres less than the yearly record of 826.8 millimetres recorded in 2012. The yearly total was 144% of the average. The wettest day was the 12th when 11.2 millimetres was recorded. The highest rain rate of 122.6 millimetres per hour was recorded at 18:18 on the 10th. No snow was recorded.
The highest barometric pressure of 1034.2 millibars was at 10:52 on the 31st. The lowest pressure was 968.7 millibars at 01:15 on the 13th, the lowest of 2019. The average pressure in the month was 1005.8 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 91%. The lowest humidity was 62% at 13:19 on the 9th.
Wind speeds were lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed being 32 mph recorded at 12:24 on the 14th, 2.7 mph below the month average. The maximum wind speed was 17 mph at 02:42 on the 15th, 4.6 mph below the mean. The wind run was 3608.0 miles, 97.1 miles below the December average. The average gust speed in the month was 7.0 mph, 0.4 mph below the mean. The average wind speed was 5.0 mph, 0.1 mph above the mean. The predominant direction was south westerly (214°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:35 on the 14th was 336 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 21 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 0.5 recorded at 12:04 on the 3rd.
Weather Underground History | Weather Underground Graph | Monthly report (pdf)