Wind Run Summary (miles)

Data last updated 02/05/24 18:00.

 Daily DetailMonthly SummarySeasonal Summary 

Wind Run
2024936* 2,399 less than the January average.480* 2,929 less than the February average.1272* 2,095 less than the March average.1680* 1,176 less than the April average.144* 2,444 less than the May average.---------144* 1,904 less than the September average.---------4656* 28,864 less than the yearly average.
20233576* 241 more than the January average.2520 889 less than the February average.3312 55 less than the March average.2664 192 less than the April average.1608* 980 less than the May average.1896 377 less than the June average.2424 210 more than the July average.1512 773 less than the August average.1368* 680 less than the September average.2160* 672 less than the October average.2208* 688 less than the November average.2904* 513 less than the December average.28152* 5,368 less than the yearly average.
20222424* 911 less than the January average.4920 1,511 more than the February average.3096 271 less than the March average.2952 96 more than the April average.2328* 260 less than the May average.1896* 377 less than the June average.1896 318 less than the July average.1416* 869 less than the August average.816* 1,232 less than the September average.2784 48 less than the October average.2784 112 less than the November average.2208* 1,209 less than the December average.29520* 4,000 less than the yearly average.
20212592* 743 less than the January average.3312* 97 less than the February average.3168* 199 less than the March average.1992 864 less than the April average.2496 92 less than the May average.1440 833 less than the June average.1224* 990 less than the July average.1704* 581 less than the August average.1512* 536 less than the September average.2832*  2232* 664 less than the November average.2976* 441 less than the December average.27480* 6,040 less than the yearly average.
20203888* 553 more than the January average.5904 2,495 more than the February average.4008 641 more than the March average.2568 288 less than the April average.2472 116 less than the May average.2400 127 more than the June average.2568 354 more than the July average.2448 163 more than the August average.2136* 88 more than the September average.2640* 192 less than the October average.3096* 200 more than the November average.2712* 705 less than the December average.36840* 3,320 more than the yearly average.
20192664* 671 less than the January average.2784* 625 less than the February average.4608 1,241 more than the March average.3120 264 more than the April average.2136* 452 less than the May average.2352 79 more than the June average.1920* 294 less than the July average.2688* 403 more than the August average.2496 448 more than the September average.2496 336 less than the October average.2352* 544 less than the November average.3792 375 more than the December average.33408* 112 less than the yearly average.
20184176* 841 more than the January average.2952 457 less than the February average.3936 569 more than the March average.3144 288 more than the April average.1968 620 less than the May average.1848* 425 less than the June average.1728 486 less than the July average.2232 53 less than the August average.2520 472 more than the September average.2808* 24 less than the October average.3432 536 more than the November average.3240* 177 less than the December average.33984* 464 more than the yearly average.
20172424* 911 less than the January average.3408 1 less than the February average.4008 641 more than the March average.2808 48 less than the April average.2640* 52 more than the May average.2952* 679 more than the June average.2112 102 less than the July average.1872* 413 less than the August average.1992* 56 less than the September average.3576* 744 more than the October average.2376* 520 less than the November average.3096* 321 less than the December average.33264* 256 less than the yearly average.
20164500* 1,165 more than the January average.4018 608 more than the February average.2976 391 less than the March average.2808 48 less than the April average.2784 196 more than the May average.1392* 881 less than the June average.2664* 450 more than the July average.2928* 643 more than the August average.2448* 400 more than the September average.1728* 1,104 less than the October average.1752* 1,144 less than the November average.2520* 897 less than the December average.32518* 1,002 less than the yearly average.
20154982 1,648 more than the January average.2796 613 less than the February average.4404 1,037 more than the March average.2933 77 more than the April average.4284 1,696 more than the May average.2777 503 more than the June average.2609* 395 more than the July average.2330* 46 more than the August average.1829 220 less than the September average.1951 881 less than the October average.4610 1,715 more than the November average.5803 2,387 more than the December average.41309* 7,789 more than the yearly average.
20144452 1,117 more than the January average.5515 2,106 more than the February average.3790 422 more than the March average.2880 24 more than the April average.2626 38 more than the May average.1334 939 less than the June average.2083 131 less than the July average.3281 996 more than the August average.1145* 904 less than the September average.3382* 550 more than the October average.2626 270 less than the November average.4030* 613 more than the December average.37142* 3,622 more than the yearly average.
20133516 181 more than the January average.3043 366 less than the February average.3586 218 more than the March average.4286 1,430 more than the April average.3475 887 more than the May average.3058 784 more than the June average.1810 405 less than the July average.2095 189 less than the August average.1829* 220 less than the September average.3509 677 more than the October average.1862 1,033 less than the November average.4565 1,148 more than the December average.36634* 3,114 more than the yearly average.
20124447 1,113 more than the January average.2969 441 less than the February average.2402 965 less than the March average.3180 324 more than the April average.2866 278 more than the May average.3610 1,336 more than the June average.2410 195 more than the July average.2206 79 less than the August average.3108 1,060 more than the September average.2575 257 less than the October average.2604 292 less than the November average.3766 349 more than the December average.36142 2,622 more than the yearly average.
20112813 522 less than the January average.4294 884 more than the February average.2513 854 less than the March average.2880 24 more than the April average.4586 1,998 more than the May average.2921 647 more than the June average.2242 27 more than the July average.2388 103 more than the August average.3773 1,724 more than the September average.4231 1,399 more than the October average.3451 556 more than the November average.5222 1,806 more than the December average.41314 7,794 more than the yearly average.
20102628 707 less than the January average.2227 1,182 less than the February average.3430 62 more than the March average.2945 89 more than the April average.2407 181 less than the May average.1954 320 less than the June average.3310 1,095 more than the July average.2885 600 more than the August average.3094 1,045 more than the September average.2942 110 more than the October average.3209 313 more than the November average.1404* 2,013 less than the December average.32434* 1,086 less than the yearly average.
2009------------------------2566* 517 more than the September average.2866 34 more than the October average.4838 1,943 more than the November average.3012 405 less than the December average.13282* 20,238 less than the yearly average.
Max4982 5904 4608 4286 4586 3610 3310 3281 3773 4231 4838 5803 41314
Avg3335 3409 3367 2856 2588 2274 2214 2285 2048 2832 2896 3417 33520
Min936 480 1272 1680 144 1334 1224 1416 144 1728 1752 1404 4656
Color Key
< 500 500 - 1000 1000 - 1500 1500 - 2000 2000 - 2500 2500 - 3000 3000 - 3500 3500 - 4000 4000 - 4500 4500 - 5000 5000 - 5500 5500 - 60006000>
* denotes incomplete data for the month/year.

Wind run is a measurement of how much wind has passed a given point in a period of time. A wind blowing at five miles per hour for an entire day (24 hours) would give a wind run of 120 miles for the day.

Script Developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.