Weather Report for 2021 by Month


January 2021 was cooler than average (2.57°C versus an average of 4.04), wetter than average (92.80 mm versus an average total of 42.51) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2554 miles versus an average of 3361).

January was a cold month with an average temperature of only 2.6°C, the second coldest ever here, beaten only by the 1.2°C recorded in 2010. The highest temperature was 10.4°C recorded on the 20th at 09:01. The minimum temperature was -4.8°C, recorded at 07:55, the lowest temperature since -6.7°C was recorded on January 31st 2019. The average daily high temperature was 5.0°C, with the average low daily temperature being 0.0°C, both 1.4°C below the January means.

The warmest day was the 20th with an average temperature of 9.2°C, while the coolest day was the 7th with an average temperature of -1.9°C. There were 16 frost days. On the 24th, the maximum temperature, recorded at 14:00, was only 0.1°C, the lowest daily maximum since -0.7°C was recorded on March 18th 2018. The average wind chill in the month was 1.4°C and the average dew point was 1.5°C. The high dew point was 9.7°C at 19:01 on the 20th. There were 9.6 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 22nd with 2.98 hours of sun recorded.

Rainfall in the month was 92.8 millimetres recorded on 28 days. The yearly total was 208% of the average for the end of January. The wettest day was the 28th when 16.2 millimetres was recorded. The highest rain rate of 52.2 millimetres per hour was recorded at 22:20 on the 20th. Snow was recorded on 8 days and totalled 82.5 millimetres, the highest snowfall since 108.0 millimetres was recorded in March 2018. On the 23rd, 60 millimetres (2.4 inches) of snow was recorded. This was the most snowfall in one day since 68 millimetres was recorded on March 18th 2018.

The highest barometric pressure of 1030.9 millibars was at 10:37 on the 15th. The lowest pressure was 967.8 millibars at 22:11 on the 20th. The average pressure in the month was 1009.3 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 93%. The lowest humidity was 73% at 13:19 on the 22nd.

Wind speeds were lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed of 30 mph being recorded at 02:48 on the 21st. The maximum wind speed was 16 mph at 12:01 on the 11th. The wind run was 2553.9 miles, 1105.7 miles below the January average. The average gust speed in the month was 5.1 mph, and the average wind speed was 3.5 mph. The predominant direction was southerly (170°).

The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 13:07 on the 21st was 438 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 25 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 0.5 recorded at 12:09 on the 25th, the first time a reading above 0.0 has been recorded since December 13th 2020.

Monthly report for January 2021 (pdf)


February 2021 was warmer than average (4.70°C versus an average of 4.37), wetter than average (51.20 mm versus an average total of 44.51) and calmer than average (a wind run of 3316 miles versus an average of 3403).

The first half of the month was very cold with frosts recorded on 8 successive nights (7th - 14th). The lowest temperature was -4.1°C, recorded at 01:42 on the 11th. On the 13th, the maximum temperature was only -0.1 °C, the lowest daily maximum since -0.7°C was recorded on March 18th 2018. In the second half of the month, the temperatures recovered drastically, reaching a high of 15.2°C, recorded at 13:18 on the 24th, the highest since 15.7°C was recorded on November 2nd 2020. The average daily high temperature was 7.7°C, with the average low daily temperature being 1.9°C. The monthly average was 4.7°C, 0.3°C above the February mean.

The warmest day was the 24th with an average temperature of 12.9°C. There were 10 frost days in the month. The average wind chill was 3.0°C, and the average dew point was 2.6°C. The sunniest day was the 28th with 6.32 hours and there were 18.65 sunshine hours in the month.

Rainfall in the month was 51.2 millimetres recorded on 19 days. The yearly total was 145.6 millimetres, 162% of the average for the end of February. The wettest day was the 2nd with 14.4 millimetres. The highest rain rate of 19.8 millimetres per hour was recorded at 18:05 on the 16th. Snow was recorded on four days and totalled 47.0 millimetres.

The highest barometric pressure of 1041.5 millibars was at 11:49 on the 27th, the highest since 1041.9 millibars was recorded on March 29th 2020. The lowest pressure was 968.4 millibars at 20:40 on the 2nd. The average pressure in the month was 1012.8 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 87%. The lowest humidity was 52% at 14:06 on the 13th.

Wind speeds were lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed of 30 mph being recorded at 17:20 on the 23rd. The maximum wind speed was 15 mph at 17:08 on the 18th. The wind run was 3316.5 miles, 257.2 miles below the February average. The average gust speed in the month was 7.3 mph, and the average wind speed was 5.01 mph. The predominant direction was southerly (169°).

The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:15 on the 26th was 724 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 56 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 1.2 recorded at 12:02 on the 28th, the highest since October 14th 2020, when 1.4 was recorded.

Monthly report for February 2021 (pdf)


March 2021 was warmer than average (6.86°C versus an average of 5.98), drier than average (35.20 mm versus an average total of 42.80) and calmer than average (a wind run of 3202 miles versus an average of 3315).

The maximum temperature in March was 22.3°C recorded at 16:38, on the 31st. This was the highest temperature ever recorded in March beating the previous high of 21.2°C recorded on March 28th 2012. This was the highest temperature since 23.2°C was recorded on September 22nd 2020. The minimum temperature was -1.4°C recorded at 03:55 on the 7th. The average temperature in the month was 6.9°C, 0.8°C above the mean. The average daily high temperature was 10.7°C (0.7°C above the mean) and the average daily low temperature was 3.2°C (0.5°C above the mean).

The warmest day was the 31st with an average temperature of 15.6°C, 2.6°C warmer than any other day in the month. There were 3 frost days in the month. The sunniest day was the 30th when 8.6 hours was recorded. C

Rainfall in the month was 35.2 millimetres recorded on 14 days. The yearly total was 180.8 millimetres, 138% of the average for the end of March. The wettest day was the 10th with 13.6 millimetres. The highest rain rate of 17.8 millimetres per hour was recorded at 13:06 on the 11th. No snow was recorded.

The highest barometric pressure of 1035.0 millibars was at 08:19 on the 6th. The lowest pressure was 977.8 millibars at 05:05 on the 11th. The average pressure in the month was 1019.1 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 83%. The lowest humidity was 45% at 15:31 on the 31st.

Wind speeds were lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed of 32 mph being recorded at 05:03 on the 11th, the highest since a gust of 45 mph was recorded on August 25th 2020. The maximum wind speed was 19 mph at 02:24 on the 11th. The wind run was 3202.5 miles, 338.7 miles below the March average. The average gust speed in the month was 6.2 mph, and the average wind speed was 4.33 mph. The predominant direction was south south-westerly (205°).

The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:05 on the 25th was 997 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 90 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 2.7 recorded at 12:02 on the 28th, the highest since September 15th 2020, when 2.8 was recorded.

Monthly report for March 2021 (pdf)


April 2021 was cooler than average (6.32°C versus an average of 8.69), drier than average (7.00 mm versus an average total of 34.78) and calmer than average (a wind run of 1964 miles versus an average of 2792).

The month was cold and dry with a number of records broken. At 05:24 on the 7th, the minimum temperature fell to -4.4°C, the lowest temperature ever recorded here in April. This beat the previous April low of -1.9°C set in 2013 and 2017. The maximum temperature in the month was 17.7°C, recorded at 15:00 on the 20th. The monthly avaerage was 6.3°C, the lowest average April temperature ever here. The average daily high temperature was 11.7°C (1.3°C below the mean) and the average daily low temperature was 0.9°C (4.5°C below the mean). This was easily the lowest for April, which was previously 2.8°C set in 2016.

The warmest day was the 20th with an average temperature of 11.2°C, and the coldest day was the 6th with an average temperature of 0.8°C. There were 11 frost days in the month, a record for April. The average wind chill was 5.8°C, and the average dew point was 1.0°C. The sunniest day was the 24th with 10.31 hours and there were 229.74 sunshine hours in the month, a record for April.

Rainfall in the month was 7.0 millimetres recorded on 9 days. The yearly total was 187.8 millimetres, 113% of the average for the end of April. The wettest day was the 27th with 2.4 millimetres. The highest rain rate of 3.0 millimetres per hour was recorded at 23:25 on the 27th. There was 2.5 millimetres of snow recorded in the month.

The highest barometric pressure of 1034.4 millibars was at 10:05 on the 15th. The lowest pressure was 1006.7 millibars at 19:08 on the 27th. The average pressure in the month was 1022.41 millibars, an April high. The highest humidity was 96% and the monthly average humidity was 71%. The lowest humidity was 28% at 13:02 on the 22nd.

Wind speeds were lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed of 28 mph being recorded at 14:19 on the 8th. The maximum wind speed was 16 mph at 14:21 on the 8th. The wind run was 1963.5 miles, a low for the month. The average gust speed in the month was 4.3 mph, and the average wind speed was 2.78 mph. The predominant direction was south easterly (132°).

The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 13:25 on the 3rd was 1079 w/m², the highest of 2021 so far.. The average solar radiation for the month was 166 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 4.0 recorded at 13:03 on the 25th, the highest since September 8th 2020, when 4.4 was recorded.

Monthly report for April 2021 (pdf)


May 2021 was cooler than average (9.67°C versus an average of 11.55), wetter than average (88.00 mm versus an average total of 38.84) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2493 miles versus an average of 2649).

The cold, dry weather of April was replaced by a cold, wet May. The maximum temperature in the month was 21.7°C at 17:47 on the last day of the month. The minimum temperature was -0.1°C at 05:44 on the 6th. The average temperature in the month was 9.7°C, the lowest monthly average for May here. The average daily high temperature was 14.4°C (1.5°C below the mean) and the average daily low temperature was 5.4°C, (1.6°C below the mean). This was the lowest May daily average ever recorded here.

The warmest day was the 29th with an average temperature of 15.3°C, while the coldest day was the 6th with an average temperature of 4.7°C. There was one frost day in the month The sunniest day was the 5th with 10.35 hours of sun. There were 191.1 hours of sun in the month, a low for May.

Rainfall in the month was 88.0 millimetres recorded on 22 days. The yearly total was 275.8 millimetres, 132% of the average for the end of May. The wettest day was the 8th with 14.4 millimetres. The highest rain rate of 87.2 millimetres per hour was recorded at 18:20 on the 26th, the highest of the year so far. There was no snow recorded in the month.

The highest barometric pressure of 1029.1 millibars was at 09:10 on the 30th. The lowest pressure was 985.1 millibars at 01:34 on the 4th. The average pressure in the month was 1007.7 millibars, a low for May. The highest humidity was 99% and the monthly average humidity was 82%. The lowest humidity was 43% at 15:02 on the 2nd.

Wind speeds were lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed of 29 mph being recorded at 17:39 on the 3rd. The maximum wind speed was 14 mph at 13:49 on the 21st. The wind run was 2493.0 miles, 384 miles below the average for the month. The average gust speed in the month was 5.1 mph, and the average wind speed was 3.36 mph. The predominant direction was west north westerly (207°).

The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:16 on the 12th was 1194 w/m², the highest of 2021 so far.. The average solar radiation for the month was 175 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 5.5 recorded at 13:00 on the 31st, the highest since 5.6 was recorded on August 5th 2020.

Monthly report for May 2021 (pdf)


June 2021 was warmer than average (15.39°C versus an average of 14.32), drier than average (25.60 mm versus an average total of 59.53) and calmer than average (a wind run of 1451 miles versus an average of 2221).

Weather-wise, June was a fairly typical month. There was no extremes in temperature and rainfall was less than half of normal. The maximum temperature was 25.7°C, recorded at 16:14 on the 16th, the highest of 2021 so far. The minimum temperature was 5.8°C, recorded at 05:04 on the 23rd This was the lowest June temperature since 4.5°C was recorded on June 10th 2015. The average temperature in the month was 15.4°C, 1.0°C above the mean. The average daily high temperature was 20.4°C (1.5°C above the mean) and the average daily low temperature was 10.3°C, (0.1°C above the mean).

The warmest day was the 16th with an average temperature of 19.8°C, while the coldest day was the 21st with an average temperature of 11.9°C. There was no frost days in the month The sunniest day was the 1st with 11.71 hours of sun. There were 225.8 hours of sun in the month, 17.1 hours above the mean.

Rainfall in the month was 25.6 millimetres recorded on 12 days. The yearly total was 301.4 millimetres, 115% of the average for the end of June. The wettest day was the 18th with 10.4 millimetres. The highest rain rate of 13.2 millimetres per hour was recorded at 12:27 on the 6th. There was no snow recorded in the month.

The highest barometric pressure of 1026.4 millibars was at 09:00 on the 13th. The lowest pressure was 1006.7 millibars at 19:13 on the 16th. The average pressure in the month was 1017.5 millibars. The highest humidity was 96% and the monthly average humidity was 80%. The lowest humidity was 38% at 15:54 on the 16th.

Wind speeds were lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed of 19 mph being recorded at 06:42 on the 11th. The maximum wind speed was 11 mph at 18:26 on the 19th. The wind run was 1451.4 miles, 878.9 miles below the average for the month. The average gust speed in the month was 3 mph, and the average wind speed was 2 mph. The predominant direction was west south easterly (164°).

The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:43 on the 25th was 1289 w/m², the highest of 2021 so far.. The average solar radiation for the month was 199 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 6.8 recorded at 13:33 on the 10th, the highest since 7.0 was recorded on August 3rd 2018.

Monthly report for June 2021 (pdf)


July 2021 was.warmer than average (17.57°C versus an average of 16.36), wetter than average (71.20 mm versus an average total of 48.04) and calmer than average (a wind run of 1173 miles versus an average of 2079). The month saw high temperatures which tailed off in the final week. Winds were some of the lightest ever recorded here.

The highest temperature in the month was 31.1°C, the highest temperature since 32.0°C was recorded on August 12th 2020.The minimum temperature was 7.8°C, recorded at 05:00 on the first day of the month.The average temperature in the month was 17.6°C, 1.0°C higher than the mean. The average daily high temperature was 23.2°C, 1.8°C above the mean. The average daily low temperature was 13.1°C, 1.0°C above the mean.

The warmest day was the 18th with an average temperature of 22.6°C, while the coldest day was the 30th with an average temperature of 13.6°C. There was no frost days in the month The sunniest day was the 14th with 10.9 hours of sun. There were 209.8 hours of sun in the month, 9.9 hours below the mean.

Rainfall in the month was 71.2 millimetres recorded on 16 days, 19.9 millimetres above the monthly mean. The yearly total was 373.6 millimetres, 119% of the average for the end of July. The wettest day was the 30th with 13.6 millimetres. The highest rain rate of 217.4 millimetres per hour was recorded at 18:32 on the 4th, the highest since 268.0 millimetres per hour was recorded on 17th June 2020.. There was no snow recorded in the month.

The highest barometric pressure of 1028.4 millibars was at 09:01 on the 17th. The lowest pressure was 991.2 millibars at 06:11 on the 6th. The average pressure in the month was 1012.9 millibars. The highest humidity was 98% and the monthly average humidity was 82%. The lowest humidity was 38% at 18:28 on the 1st.

Wind speeds were much lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed of 22 mph being recorded at 12:12 on the 29th. The maximum wind speed was 11 mph at 10:04 on the 29th. The wind run was 1172.8 miles, 1036.8 miles below the average for the month. The average gust speed in the month was 2.7 mph, and the average wind speed was 1.6 mph, both lows for the month. The predominant direction was southerly (174°)..

The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 11:10 on the 7th was 1208 w/m².. The average solar radiation for the month was 181 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 6.4 recorded at 13:28 on the 15th.

Monthly report for July 2021 (pdf)


August 2021 was cooler than average (15.61°C versus an average of 15.71), drier than average (38.60 mm versus an average total of 52.95) and calmer than average (a wind run of 1712 miles versus an average of 2321).

Temperatures in the month were slightly below average, mainly due to above average minimum temperatures. The Highest temperature in the month was 22.9°C at 15:40 on the 23rd, this equalled the lowest maximum temperaure set in 2014. The lowest temperature in the month was 8.6°C set at 06:01 on the 3rd, this equalled the highest minimum temperature set in 2013. The average temperature in the month was 15.6°C, 0.1°C below the mean. The average daily high temperature was 19.8°C, 0.4 below the mean, while the average daily low was 12.3°C, 0.5°C above the mean.

The warmest day was the 20th, with an average temperature of 17.7°C The coldest day was the 31st with an average temperature of 13.2°C. There wera no frost days in the month.The sunniest day was the 12th with 9.0 hours of sunshine.There were 159.6 hours of sun in the month, the least sunniest August so far recorded and 28.4 hours below the mean.

Rainfall in the month was 38.6 millimetres recorded on 17 days, 13.1 millimetres below the monthly mean. The yearly total was 411.4 millimetres, 112% of the average for the end of August. The wettest day was the 6th with 10.4 millimetres. The highest rain rate of 109.8 millimetres per hour was recorded at 12:13 on the 6th.. There was no snow recorded in the month.

The highest barometric pressure of 1032.3 millibars was at 23:48 on the 31st, the highest ever recorded in August. The lowest pressure was 991.6 millibars at 07:19 on the 6th. The average pressure in the month was 1015.2 millibars. The highest humidity was 96% and the monthly average humidity was 84%. The lowest humidity was 50% at 14:51 on the 13th.

Wind speeds were again lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed of 24 mph being recorded at 15:32 on the 13th. The maximum wind speed was 14 mph at 15:33 on the 6th. The wind run was 1711.8 miles, 707.9 miles below the average for the month. The average gust speed in the month was 3.8 mph, and the average wind speed was 2.3 mph. The predominant direction was southerly (183°).

The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:26 on the 9th was 1106 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 143 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 5.6 recorded at 12:58 on the 11th.

Monthly report for August 2021 (pdf)


September 2021 was warmer than average (15.51°C versus an average of 13.39), drier than average (39.80 mm versus an average total of 41.20) and calmer than average (a wind run of 1516 miles versus an average of 2206).

The month was the warmest September ever recorded here. At 16:25 on the 7th, the temperature reached 29.7°C, the highest temperature since 29.8°C was recorded on July 22nd 2021. This was the highest temperature ever recorded here in September. Temperatures were well above average at 15.5°C, 0.2°C above the September best and 1.9°C above the monthly mean. The average daily high temperature was 20.3°C, 2.3°C above the mean. The daily low average was 11.5°C, 1.8°C above the mean..

The warmest day was the 8th with an average temperature of 21.9°C, with the coolest day being the 29th with an average temperature of 9.2°C. The lowest temperature in the month was also on the 29th when the temperature fell to 6.2°C at 21:49. The sunniest day was the 8th with 9.08 hours.

Rainfall in the month was 39.8 millimetres recorded on 13 days, 1.7 millimetres above the monthly mean. The yearly total was 449.4 millimetres, 111% of the average for the end of September. The wettest day was the 9th with 10.8 millimetres. The highest rain rate of 153.6 millimetres per hour was recorded at 17:44 on the 9th.. There was no snow recorded in the month.

The highest barometric pressure of 1032.5 millibars was at 01:02 on the 1st. The lowest pressure was 995.1 millibars at 08:14 on the 27th. The average pressure in the month was 1016.3 millibars. The highest humidity was 96% and the monthly average humidity was 85%. The lowest humidity was 43% at 15:00 on the 20th.

Wind speeds were again lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed of 24 mph being recorded at 15:44 on the 30th. The maximum wind speed was 12 mph at 15:07 on the 27th. The wind run was 1516.4 miles, 805.5 miles below the average for the month. The average gust speed in the month was 3.8 mph, and the average wind speed was 2.2 mph. The predominant direction was southerly (190°).

The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:44 on the 9th was 949 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 115 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 3.6 recorded at 13:25 on the 6th.

Monthly report for September 2021 (pdf)


October 2021 was warmer than average (11.53°C versus an average of 10.45), wetter than average (61.40 mm versus an average total of 52.29) and windier than average (a wind run of 2832 miles versus an average of 2655).

October was an average month with no major storms and most of the rainfall concentrated at the beginning and the end of the month. The highest temperature was 18.6°C recorded on the 9th at 13:10. The lowest temperature of 3.6°C was recorded at 08:01 on the 21st, the lowest temperature since 2.3°C was recorded on May 23rd 2021. The average monthly temperature was 11.5°C, 1.0°C above the mean. The average daily high temperature was 14.6°C, 0.7°C above the mean. The daily low average was 8.5°C, 1.0°C above the mean..

The warmest day was the 19th with an average temperature of 16.2°C, with the coolest day being the 21st with an average temperature of 7.3°C. There were no frost days in the month. The sunniest day was the 7th with 7.18 hours.

Rainfall in the month was 61.4 millimetres recorded on 19 days, 9.4 millimetres above the monthly mean. The yearly total was 510.8 millimetres, 110% of the average for the end of October. The wettest day was the 31st with 14.8 millimetres. The highest rain rate of 48.8 millimetres per hour was recorded at 03:11 on the 5th.. There was no snow recorded in the month.

The highest barometric pressure of 1030.2 millibars was at 09:39 on the 11th. The lowest pressure was 981.2 millibars at 19:14 on the 31st. The average pressure in the month was 1011.2 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 88%. The lowest humidity was 51% at 15:42 on the 21st.

Wind speeds were slightly higher than average, with the highest wind gust speed of 32 mph being recorded at 22:59 on the 31st. The maximum wind speed was 14 mph at 23:59 on the 31st. The wind run was 2832.0 miles, 33.7 miles below the average for the month. The average gust speed in the month was 5.8 mph, and the average wind speed was 3.9 mph. The predominant direction was south-westerly (231°).

The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 13:47 on the 4th was 800 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 61 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 2.2 recorded at 13:04 on the 7th.

Monthly report for October 2021 (pdf)


November 2021 was warmer than average (7.32°C versus an average of 6.91), drier than average (19.20 mm versus an average total of 62.93) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2173 miles versus an average of 2779).

The average temperature in November was 0.4°C above the mean at 7.3°C,. The highest temperature was 13.6°C recorded at 15:17 on the 18th, with the lowest temperature being -4.1°C, at 07:42 on the 29th. This was the lowest temperature since -4.4°C was recorded on April 7th 2021.

The warmest day was the 9th with an average temperature of 12.2°C, with the coolest day being the 28th with an average temperature of -0.8°C. There were 5 frost days in the month. The sunniest day was the 2nd with 3.37 hours. There were 26.1 hours of sunshine in the month.

Rainfall in the month was 18.8 millimetres recorded on 16 days, 40.6 millimetres below the monthly mean and the driest November ever recorded here. The yearly total was 529.6 millimetres, 102% of the average for the end of November. The wettest day was the 27th with 6.4 millimetres. The highest rain rate of 5.6 millimetres per hour was recorded at 21:11 on the 25th.. There was 50 millimetres of snow recorded on two days, the first snow being on the 27th.

The highest barometric pressure of 1032.9 millibars was at 22:10 on the 22nd. The lowest pressure was 978.2 millibars at 23:03 on the 26th. The average pressure in the month was 1015.2 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 98%. The lowest humidity was 64% at 11:25 on the 28th.

Wind speeds were lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed of 30 mph being recorded at 20:57 on the 26th. The maximum wind speed was 15 mph at 00:02 on the 1st. The wind run was 2172.3 miles, 762.1 miles below the average for the month. The average gust speed in the month was 4.7 mph, and the average wind speed was 3.1 mph. The predominant direction was south-westerly (230°).

The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:30 on the 4th was 531 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 35 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 0.8 recorded at 12:03 on the 6th.

Monthly report for November 2021 (pdf)


December 2021 was warmer than average (5.61°C versus an average of 4.81), wetter than average (73.60 mm versus an average total of 55.05) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2953 miles versus an average of 3295).

Although December's weather was fairly typical, an exceptionally mild end to the month saw the second highest temperature ever recorded on New Year's Eve (31st). This was only 0.5°C short of the highest ever December temperarure, recorded on December 19th 2015. The highest temperature in the month was the 14.3°C recorded at 13:04 on the 31st. The lowest temperature in the month was -0.7°C recorded at 08:00 on the 22nd. The monthly average temperature was 5.6°C, 0.8°C below the mean. The average daily high was 7.8°C, with the average daily low being 3.4°C.

The warmest day was the 30th with an average temperature of 13.0°C, while the sunniest day was the 2nd with 2.6 hours. The coldest day was the 22nd with an average of 1.3°C. There was a total of 3.23 hours of sunshine in the month. There were four frost days in the month.

Rainfall in the month totalled 73.6 millimetres, recorded on 27 days. There was also 10 millimetres of snow, recorded on one day. The wettest day was the 8th when 13.4 millimetres fell. The yearly total was 605.2 millimetres, well above the average of 543.6 millimetres. The highest rain rate was 34.2 millimetres per hour recorded at 15:10 on the 7th.

The highest barometric pressure of 1032.9 millibars was 1041.5, equalling the best for 2021, recorded at 10:27 on the 17th.The lowest pressure was 978.2 millibars at 23:03 on the 26th. The average pressure in the month was 1009.8 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 92%. The lowest humidity was 63% at 13:01 on the 2nd.

Wind speeds were lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed of 32 mph being recorded at 00:12 on the 8th. The maximum wind speed was 16 mph at 15:05 on the 8th. The wind run was 2953.4 miles, 790.6 miles below the average for the month. The average gust speed in the month was 5.8 mph, and the average wind speed was 4.0 mph. The predominant direction was south south-westerly (203°).

The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 11:45 on the 4th was 327 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 16 w/m². No U.V. Index was recorded.

Monthly report for December 2021 (pdf)